
Showing posts from May, 2018


HISTORY OF HIV  ( SCIENTIFIC ORIGIN OF HIV ) HIV / Aids was first detected in early 1980 among American homosexual men. Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV ) is from the animal called chimpanzee. HIV is the descendant of Simian immunodeficiency virus.. It mutate in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) which causes Aids ...   THE HUNTER THEORY SIV ( simian immunodeficiency virus ) was transferred to human as a result of chimpanzee being killed and eaten and their blood getting into cuts or wound of the hunter..   . THREE STAGES OF HIV ( TRANSMISSION) ... (A) First stage --( window period ) The first stage is called the window period which extend six weeks to six mouth... It is  the time the virus enters ones body to the time when the person develop enough antibodies to be measured on HIV test... (B)Second stage----Asymptomatic stage is where the person shows no signs of infection, this is because the immune system is strong in combating the virus, dur...


WHAT IS INFERTILITY ( men&women) Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse. Infertility may be attributed to the man, the woman, or both partners. Infertility does not mean that a couple is sterile and will never have a child. Approximately half of all couples who seek help for infertility will eventually conceive a child. There are several treatments available that may help to improve the chances of a conception and a successful pregnancy. Causes of Infertility Not all causes of infertility are known, however infertility may be affected by genetic disorders, previous radiation and chemotherapy treatments for cancer and medical conditions such as thyroid problems or diabetes. Other factors may also play a role in the cause of infertility and may include: In Women: Advanced age Endometriosis Ovulation disorders Abnormalities with the uterus or cervix Damage or blockage in the Fallopian tubes...